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tv   [untitled]    February 21, 2013 3:00am-3:30am PST

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and every night that we as a community of loving and caring people speak up and extend help when we see or hear about violence against girls and i demand tonight and every night that we as a community we as a community of loud and strong activists, will shout enough enough stop the violence now. i demand tonight and every night that we as a community violence against woman with explicitting protocols which aid in -- to introduce new paradigms like wattive v day has done today with one billion rising worldwide an action that has shift us about violence against woman and girls. girls, i demand that
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tonight and every night that there is a community of mothers and fathers and grand mothers and grandfathers neighbors and friends brothers and stand together with woman and girls in san francisco and i stand tonight in the name of claire joyce sin fan coa 28 -years-old filipino woman murdered in front of her young children and i also stand topped in the memory of julie frays cowho was board of trusteesly beat to death on her birthday because she want today leave her a beautiful marriage. i stand tonight in memory of marriesa corpus who was savagely stabbed to death by her husband after he completed his goo week battle intersection program and i stand for nicole who survived
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rape by u.s. you guys military. and so i ask you to stand with me to say no to domestic violence so rape and sexual crime to say no to human trafficking and to stand tonight for every victim and survivor here in san francisco. but most importantly, let us dance tonight for those who feel need to find courage to leave the a beautiful relationships and seek help and i'll be writing and i hope you do and i'll keep dancing until every woman and girl can leave fear and violence and so say it with me "i rise,." >> thank you..
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>> so many case there are there is so many case that is exist in the world one in three woman in the world will be raped and a abused and one of the woman is violates ask an atrocity and one billion woman dances is a revolution and we have men here and one billion rise something a global call to action and one billion rise sag celebration this is how we celebrate the help that all of those woman can receive from all of us and we can do something and we can only do it together. right now, i'm going to introduce mary -- she is a visionary, she is an activist and she is a leader andpoet and shell read a poem from evance letter: evanceler start with a
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moment and started collecting situation and is experiences and of woman around the world and created the vagina monologs and so i am to introduce her . >> thank you. hey you are beautiful beautiful billion rising voices. one billion rise something more powerful than the thunder over the mountains or the unchained -- legality our voices reach the bet lambs of san francisco. the truth in the allies for the homeless woman and the poor. let us let our voice reach the broughtels and the wells of violated and murdered woman and woman who continue to be endangered by war and men who are haters. i am
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honored to have been invited to read my shire row's poem evanceler entitled rising. this was written in cor localla for the woman of india who lead the way. this could have been anywhere and one. mexico city, unanimous illa maximum bay; buy, manhattan. men -- like moves droll for pray behind that single pedestrian ling painted door paying nothing. a couple of dollars rope pees andare pesos to have her, enter her, eater, 24 her and throw away her bones this could have been anywhere and was. a brutalist none on a bus trying to stay try tort night a woman leader
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speaking out against the repressive government a young woman traveling with her boyfriend. one loss her voice, the other her followings the last one her life. this could have been anywhere and was. pink wooden crosses. a stack of stones. red carninations and empty chairs in a square. ribbons flying in a sultry wind. i ask ana m i j a t and carl lay, monique, t nevment e c.i.a. memorially, why? why? put down the -- because they were woman. because they were woman. this could have been anywhere. and was. well she got fired for
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being too beautiful find for drink drink after she was raped. a series offered to marry her wrappist got told it was element but not forceable. this could have been anywhere. they could do such a thing when the girls go for firewood. step into a loanly man's car, drink a little too much at the college party, wake up with her inc.,el's finger inside one from the screaming match chety and get a bullet in the brain for learning the alphabet. be stoned for falling in live. be burned for seeing the future. i am done cataloging these horrors that are born 2 million woman raped and tortured one out of
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3 million. a woman raped every minute, every second one out of two. one out of five, the same one, one, one. i am done counting and counting it's time to tale new story, it needs to be our story it needs to be outrageous and unexpected. it needs to lose control in the middle. it needs to be sexy and hip and with our feet it needs to be angry and a little scary the way a song can be carey it needs not to ask thrermings permission or to get permanents or set-up offices or to make salaries. it won't be recorded or bought or sold, or counted.
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it may just happen if it's not a question of inventing but remembering. buried under the leaves of trauma and sorrow beneath the river of semen and sequel low vaginas and labor 88's sled and had extracted stolen, body mine, mind body. it is not about asking now or waiting it's about rising. raise your arms my sisters my brother, raise your one billion, your one heart, your one of us. i used to be afraid of love. it hurt too much. but what never
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happened got ripped away the rape the wound, the love i thought it was salt. but i was wrong i was wrong, step into the fire. raise your arms and raise your one billion. 111111 rising rising rising rising ... yeah ... (applause) . there is one more story one of many millions that happen everyday and i bet that each one of us knows an example a real experience like this: so we can stop that. and we are here because of susan b anthony she had a dream as well.
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one billion rising san francisco is closing this world-wide event and we are going to it dancings and right now i would love to bring back to the stage here x to the microphone mayor lee for the problem we have to get committed. >> are we ready for the pledge? yeah. >> if i can ask all of you raise the hand with the one billion and repeat after me i am one of the one billion rising. >> i am one of the one billion rising. and i pledge that today february 142013, judge and i pledge that today february 1814, 2013, i feel make violence against woman and girls a
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priority of our time. and help to end it in my family. and help to end it in my family. >> my school my school. >> my workplace my community. >> my community and in san francisco california, and beyond. >> and in san francisco california, and beyond - one billion rising. >> one billion rising. that you all very much and if you care, now turn to the person next to you and tell them out loud your personal pledge. >>
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. >> you do you want to dance? i can't hear you do you want to dance? >> student: one billion rising one billion rising let the world hear you. >> one billion rising. >> revolting this moment. one billion rising. let us move and thank you so much for being here and supporting the movement. (applause) we will be dancing this is but some people will not and cannot dance so would you be so kind to open up the stage for this to
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fill up.? more space again, you can go all the way to the street. [inaudible] gather around ... we need more space on this side >> welcome, everyone, to this launch of the public service
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announcement on behalf of the california grand jury's association. i'd like to thank all of you for being here today. being in the presence of such a political [speaker not understood], reminds me of a story a good friend of mine told me about meeting president george h.w. bush. he was in washington meeting with willard e. mills in arkansas at the time mr. mills was the chair of the house ways and means committee, probably one of the most powerful and influential people in washington. upon being introduced to the president, my friend was struck speechless. he just was stammering and stuttering. at which point the president put his hand on his shoulder and said, it's okay, dan, i always get nervous around him, too. [laughter]
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>> it's a special honor for me to be here today. i'd like to introduce our special guest, lieutenant government gavin newsome. it (applause) at the thank you. >> also represent state mark malone's office tom ammiano. (applause) * >> all will return momentarily, i'm sure. paul henderson, representing mayor ed lee's office. [laughter] >> and to my right, i have the open house, our state association vice president and i'm sure other names, past president san francisco chapter. we have lots of our membership here including a couple of board members, kerry greenberg from fresno.
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[speaker not understood] is here. we have two representatives from san mateo county, barbara arieta and mike miller. i know people. at this time i'd like to say a few words about the california grand jurors association. it's an all volunteer group, 501(c) (3) dedicated to promoting the participation in the grand jury system, qualifies applicants to be grand jurors, bidthv awareness so we have consumers of the grand jury's product, report. at this point i'd like to turn it over for some lengthy introductions. >> thank you. thank you, keith. welcome, everybody. we're glad to see so many friendly faces. as president of the chapter in san francisco now for 3-1/2
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years and have been really proud of our board who has done so much great work. when i call your name, if you could just stand and say hi. leslie, vice president, and she has been very instrumental in publishing the gazette which i believe that you have picked up. if you haven't, over here by the entrance, there are copies for you to see. the gazette summarizes the previous jury's work as well as explains what the jury is all about. and how you can apply to be a juror. and this is our fourth issue. so, thank you for your hard work. julian hansen is secretary and she's my right arm, my left arm, she's there for me for whenever i need anything. and i really appreciate all the work you've done also to keep the chapter together and make it a viable entity.
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ken mali in the back there, the immediate chair and was instrumental in working with lieutenant governor in making this public service announcement which i'm really proud to say i think will give a real shot in the arm to the association as well as to jurors and the jury in general going forward. karen cansino, very instrumental in the distribution of our gazette, we're putting the gazette -- it was in the examiner two weeks ago. 130,000 copies distributed around the city. so, hopefully it fell in the hands of 130,000 people. and we are also distributing in all the libraries around the city. and while in speaking engagements, we talk about the civil grand jury. it is an excellent outreach item for us.
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we also have hal smith who is on the board [speaker not understood], and our current foreperson, mark [speaker not understood]. would you like to say anything about your jury service? >> well, i'm very grateful, one, to be selected. two, to have an incredible group of jurors to work with, representative of all aspects of san francisco communities and educational background. and it's been incredible to view what the city has to offer in a really intimate way. and we look forward to carrying on a rich tradition of following up with past reports, doing past juries proud, and we look forward to putting out some good reports. >> thank you. we also have, and i'm not going to call you out because i don't want anybody to [speaker not understood] we have several current jurors here and a
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number of former jurors here also. as kate said, the california jurors is comprised of [speaker not understood]. at the chapter here, we very much [speaker not understood] with the courts in recruiting and publicizing what the grand jury is all about. most people you talk to don't know what the civil grand jury is. they think criminal grand jury, barry bonds, but they don't know what the civil grand jury is about. we try to get the word out. because not only do we want people to serve on the grand jury, but i think it's important for people to know what the grand jury is all about. we are the watchdog of the citizens. this is our chance to participate in democracy. to investigate how our taxpayer dollars are being spent. and we need people to do those investigations, but we also need people to be aware of these investigations and the reports that come out. [speaker not understood] and potentially respond.
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you know, something they find very dear to their heart, they can call their newspaper and say, hey, i read this grand jury report. what are you going to do about it? or they can call the entity that is being investigating and ask, you know, what are you going to do about following up this list? so, it is very important for people to know about the civil grand jury. so, with that, i also want to say we train the juries. a lot of people say, actors coming out of the public, what do they know? at the state level they train for 2, 2-1/2 days about investigating, entering viewing, writing reports, what they can and cannot do according to the penal code. and we also train them at the local level about the city government and a little bit more about writing reports and what is expected of them here at the city level. so, they're not amateurs coming in. they are well trained and informed about what their duties are and what they can
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and cannot do. so, thank you. >> at this time i'd like to show you the product, psa. [laughter] >> california founders understood the importance of citizen oversight of local government. our writing into the state constitution requirement that each county will convene a civil grand jury with the express purpose of investigating local government activity. each year your county court, it's citizens just like you that serve as watchdogs over the government the jury has powers and local government is required to provide information the jury needs to conduct this investigation. the result of investigative reports can improve how local government does its job. reports also form the public about the performance of their government. serving on a civil grand jury is not only an experience
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you'll never forget, but you'll also learn extraordinary amount about how your local government carries out its responsibilities. * i encourage you, encourage you to do your civic duty and hold your local government accountable by contacting the california grand jurors association to learn more about your county's civil grad jury and how you can apply to serve. (applause) >> i believe there are some presentations to be made. paul henderson, representing mayor ed lee's office. >> thank you, guys, having been here, it is an honor to be in front of the civil grand jury. i actually grew up with a lot of familiarity with the civil grand jury. i grew up here, fourth generation here in the bayview. my grandmother who raised me after she finished college, she went to school late.
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after she finished college she served on the civil grand jury. and she told us as we were growing up, you can't get to it till after you go to college. i grew up thinking, oh, if i do enroll in school, i can go to college and i can get to the civil grand jury. i don't know why -- [laughter] >> did she carry the card for the civil grand jury with her in her purse actually until she passed. it was one of the things she was most proud of for working in the city. and, so, i've always paid special attention to what the civil grand jury did as like a magical entity that served and was committed to public service. unfortunately i've always worked in public service myself. i was never able to get to the civil grand jury, but i'm intimately familiar with the work that they do. so, we're all very grateful for your work and contributionses. so, my name is paul henderson. i'm the deputy chief of staff
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for our mayor ed lee. we are here today and i am here today to present this certificate of honor to the san francisco civil grand jury association. and, so, i have a certificate here that i'd like to present and thank you all so much for the work that you've been doing and the contributions to the city. you know, people don't say it enough, but the work that you do actually does matter and the work that you do, people pay attention to. it creates changes that ripple all throughout our local government. so, i thank you all for your work and i look forward to working with you in the future. thank you. (applause) >> thank you. and then [speaker not understood] representing state senator mark leno.
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>> good morning, everyone. and i'm here, as keith said, on behalf of state senator leno. and i just want to say how proud i am to be here because, you know, most of us seek ways to make government better. usually, you know, we have something that we don't like about our government, our local government. we want to change things. we have a disagreement. but you're here and you're actually doing something about it. you're taking your time, you're taking time out of your lives and putting energy into changing how government can serve the people of our county. and that's very impressive and i for one as a citizen of san
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francisco am very grateful to each and every one of you for doing that. for watching out for me, because that's what you are, each and every one of you, watching out for me and my well-being as well as everyone else in the city. and around the state, thanks to the california civil grand jury association, we have 58 groups that do the same and help people experience government at a higher level and have government work for them. so, thanks to the california civil grand jury association for doing that, for making that work for us. and on behalf of state senator leno, i have the privilege of presenting the certificate of recognition to the california civil grand jury association. and with our thanks and great appreciation. >> thank you so much.
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>> thank you. (applause) >> as absolved a group as we may be, we cannot forget that this gathering is primarily to recognize that we're all but citizens of this great state, and that we all bear some responsibility for our own governance. and, so, regardless of our political leaningses, we all are good government to be as responsive and effective and efficient as it possibly can be. and that is the role of our nearly 1 100 volunteers who serve each year in the 58 counties in california. * i didn't thank the governor on his way in. so, i don't mean to pass on you. would you like to say a few words?